Thursday, December 30, 2010

peopleware, hardware and software.. plus computer types part 2

Next are the Input Devices which inputs data inside the computer. 
Peripheral input devices examples are:

*computer camera/ web cam

  *computer mouse

 *computer microphone

  * bar code reader

If there are input devices, there would also be the output devices. These devices are the opposite of the input devices. If the input devices inputs data, then the output devices would be the one that gives us the hard copy of a data or the one that  displays the data.
Some examples of these are:



We also have the secondary storageIt is also know as the external storage. It allows the data or programs to be stored for future use. 
Few examples of it are:

  *magnetic tape

 *flash drive

  * floppy disk

  *memory cards

  * compact disk

And lastly are the communication devicesThese devices provides the flow of data.  

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